<a href="#">Kerry Rossow</a>

Kerry Rossow


Kerry Rossow is the proud co-founder of The She Said Project. After eighteen years in the classroom, Kerry Rossow left teaching and found her writing voice on her blog, HouseTalkN. Sharing her life shenanigans, Kerry became a weekly columnist at In The Powder Room. In 2013, following the motto “leap and the net will appear,” Kerry joined a mission trip to Haiti, became a published author of the best selling anthologies, I Just Want To Pee AloneYou Have Lipstick on Your Teeth, and Will Work For Apples, and took to the stage as part of the casts in Listen To Your Mother 2013 and 2014. Her writing has been featured on The Huffington Post, Scary Mommy, and Rants From Mommyland. You can keep up with her at Kerry Rossow Shenanigans. She has come full circle and returned to the Montessori School of CU.
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