<a href="#">Kevin McGuire</a>

Kevin McGuire

Director of Engagement

Kevin McGuire often cites bassoon school as the key to his success, but it’s probably more accurate to state that that key opened the doors which led to myriad experiences, opportunities and adventures in education, marketing, fine and performing arts — involving everything from prepping Madonna’s dressing room to directing a marching band in Los Angeles’ Martin Luther King Parade to attending conventions for bassoonists in Boulder, Las Vegas and Manchester, England. As an account executive and creative consultant with SYNHERGY MARKETING, Kevin worked with local and national social media campaigns, across several platforms, helping bring awareness and action to important, sometimes life saving, projects. With over 25 years experience as a Union stagehand and stage manager, Kevin carries his “show must go on” mantra into all aspects of his work, taking great pride in helping co-workers and clients achieve maximum potential when the curtain goes up. Having participated behind-the-scenes on all That’s What She Said – Champaign shows, Kevin is extremely proud and honored to work even more closely with The She Said Project team, helping strengthen and empower individuals and communities through the exchange of stories, ideas and solidarity.
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