7 Q+A: Bridget Lee-Calfas

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We’re revving up for TWSS 2015 and have so many new + exciting details to share with all of you. While we cross our i’s and dot our t’s, we want to spot light a few amazing, local women in our community through our 7 Q+A’s. Or as we refer to it in the moffice, acceptable stalking.

You may know Bridget Lee-Calfas as the voice/face of Krannert Center on TV and radio—sharing with us some of the top performances, initiatives, and ongoing projects in our very own, world-renowned performing arts center. We also know her as a loving wife, incredible mother to three kiddos, and one hellofa friend to have in your support network (great mix of sarcasm to get you laughing, yummy cooking to nurture your soul, and a devoted ear that hears you better than yourself some days).


Bridget Lee Calfas 02b

What are you grateful for today?
Perseverance, a little bit of sleep, iced coffee, cute kids (in no particular order)

Tell us about one of your friends and what you love about her.
She’s the kind of person who makes you realize how much you need to step up your own game. I can’t imagine what my life or sanity would have been without her in these last few years. She’s creative and kind, so brave, amazing and trustworthy with my kids, loyal and yet honest; and even if we disagree, there’s always mutual respect. She makes up for every crappy junior high frenemy there ever was.

Describe one of the best days of your life.
Not to be a total sap but the day I met my husband. It was my sister’s wedding and I was truly trying to just be present and supportive and then this amazing whirlwind of my whole future crashed in.

What’s the best lesson you learned from your mother/grandmother?
Keep going, no matter what…it’s that hard and that easy, just keep going.
Also, learn to make biscuits because man, everyone loves a good biscuit, right?

We’re all unique. What is your special gift?
I think being able to express myself clearly and to help others feel understood has served me and those around me quite well. Also, I can see dead people.

What could women be doing to make their community a better place?
Quit being so hard on each other and start thinking about the most basic needs we all have in common (food, shelter, education, safety, love) and then figure out how we can insure those for everybody.

What would you do if you weren’t afraid?
Fear doesn’t hold me back much but there’s all kinds of things I’d do if I had more time and a trust fund.

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