
Bring That’s What She Said to your town!

That’s What She Said has been empowering communities of women since 2013 in intimate and unique theatrical showcases. The She Said Project is excited to partner with more women and organizations to bring That’s What She Said to even more communities of women!

When you produce That’s What She Said in your town, you get

Interested in being on stage?

Do you want to share your story with your community or do you know someone that should be considered as a speaker for a future That's What She Said show? Let us know!


That’s What She Said is a live, one-night-only performance featuring local women sharing personal stories.

Click here to submit your details and sign up for a one-on-one session where we will discuss more in-depth what it takes to produce TWSS in your city. 

The She Said Project provides the tools you need to run a successful event, from raising sponsorships to casting speakers to promoting the show in your community.

The regional Producing Partner (you) get to choose who appears in each of your shows. The She Said Project will provide guidance and suggestions on how to cast your show to maximize your success. 

What is great about That’s What She Said, is that it is a large, visible community event that can be organized by a small number of people. If you have ever produced a theatrical event, the licensee assumes the role of the Producer. You can choose how many “hats” you want to wear on the Production Team.  

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