Christy Camarca brought Champaign an amazing boutique shop of home furnishings and decor last year that we basically would like to just move into… Texture Home. The first time we met Christy we knew she was someone you could hang out with for hours—laughing… brainstorming… taking over the world one upcycled item of awesomeness at a time!
What are you grateful for today?
I have my dream job!!! My kids are happy and healthy. My guy loves me.
Tell us about one of your friends and what you love about her.
Stacy Wathen! Stacy and I have been friends for a few years and I knew I was crazy about her before we went into business together. But, since being in business together we have had to face difficult and challenging things we never did as friends. She arrives to these challenges with honesty, kindness, generosity, thoughtfulness, respect, and patience. I am even more crazy about her than I was before and I’m immensely grateful to have her by my side and on my team.
Describe one of the best days of your life.
Getting the keys to the store! It was both a moment of arrival and the beginning of an exciting new adventure. After years spent mainly raising kids, being a wife, and supporting my husband’s career, I was at a point where I was creating something for myself, that I had dreamed of for a long time.
What’s the best lesson you learned from your mother/grandmother?
My mother and grandmother both taught me generosity, kindness, and style. My grandmother wore heels until she couldn’t. She once told me if she put on flat shoes she felt like she was falling backward. In middle school I started raiding my mom’s closet and I still wouldn’t mind having her wardrobe. Both keep/kept beautiful homes.
We’re all unique. What is your special gift?
A gift I’m thankful for is seeing the upside to almost anything.
What could women be doing to make their community a better place?
I wish women could show the same kindness to themselves as they show to others.
What would you do if you weren’t afraid?
Jump out of a plane with my boyfriend Paul and run down the street naked like Rossow.