7 Q+A: Holly Melby

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Holly Melby is a mother of three beautiful children and co-owns Melby Chiropractic with her awesome doctor hubby, Jeff. She regularly teaches communication classes at Parkland College and is starting a nonprofit called duck. duck. goose! that offers ideas for random acts of kindness. This is what inspires us most about Holly, her ability to share joy and kindness with every person she meets. Her ability to see the greatness in individuals and encourage them to keep on keeping on is why we wanted to know a little more about this incredible women!



What are you grateful for today?
Today I’m grateful for a lot of things. But topping the list is that I’m thankful for my kids’ bedtime. Oh that sweet sound of silence!

Tell us about one of your friends and what you love about her.
One friend who I love to pieces is Jeni. I absolutely adore her optimism. She finds the silver lining in everything. Even in trying times she remains positive. Her attitude is infectious. I believe it’s why she has favor with each person she comes into contact with. She’s just a joy to be around. And that among many other things is why I love her!

Describe one of the best days of your life.
Naturally there are the usual “best days of my life” including my wedding day and the day my kids were born. In addition, one of the best days of my life was the day I attended a taping of Ellen. During the opening dance, she stopped to sing Brickhouse to my pregnant belly.  tWitch danced next to me during commercial breaks. Jamie Foxx, Andrew Garfield, and Emma Stone were guests on the show. (I’m a huge fan of all of them!) And then my day ended by meeting Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis who were dining a few tables down from me. It was one incredibly star-studded and memorable day!

What’s the best lesson you learned from your mother/grandmother?
The best lesson I’ve learned from my mom is to be generous. But more specifically, she taught me to think outside the box with the people I bless. She surprises people like nurses, insurance agents, and neighbors with gifts and treats. She has instilled in me a desire to show gratitude and to brighten the days of others!

We’re all unique. What is your special gift?
My superpower is naturally birthing people the size of turkeys. My largest baby was 10 pounds, 11 ounces.

What could women be doing to make their community a better place?
I believe that women could be improving the community if they were more outward-focused. With eyes, hearts, and minds wide open, we could and should be recognizing the times when we could be offering a word of encouragement to someone. Whether it’s a close friend or a perfect stranger, a kind word goes a long way to changing the world. Do you like your cashier’s haircut? Build them up. Is your friend’s patience for her kids inspiring? Empower them. Has your doctor’s care improved your quality of life? Let them know that their work is purposeful. I believe it’s the little things that often make the biggest difference in the world.

What would you do if you weren’t afraid?
If I wasn’t afraid, I’d fulfill a life-long dream – travel to Paris with my husband. But I’m afraid of being that far away from my kids.

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