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There aren’t enough cliches in the world to describe Sue Grey. She is a ray of sunshine to everyone she meets. She is a force of nature in our community. She is an “every cloud has a silver lining” kind of gal. We admire her commitment to her  community, her loyalty to her friends, and her love of her family. To know her is to love her.



What are you grateful for today?
The opportunity to work with some truly passionate and caring people. Every day I come into my office at United Way and there they are, ready to take on whatever challenge comes their way.   I love sitting in my office and hearing them work together to problem solve, and I like how kind they are to each other.

Tell us about one of your friends and what you love about her.
My friend Cate, we have been friends for 40 years. She is the tall to my short, the thin to my not so thin. She is absolutely brilliant – her passion is teaching kids how to read – how cool is that? She is an awesome mom, and even more fantastic Granny, a loving wife and oh, also getting a Ph.D. She loves me unconditionally. We don’t always agree, and we never see each other enough. I truly could not imagine my world without her. She gives great hugs, cries at the drop of a hat – if she is reading this she is probably already boo-hooing. She thinks I am funny and smart, and never judges me. Everyone needs a Cate. I just got lucky and found mine a few years back.

Describe one of the best days of your life.
June 17, 2015, Magic Kingdom-Disney World with my kids and grandkids. It actually was a bittersweet day – first time in 20 years that my dad was not with us as he had passed away in March. It was as if my dad though, had a hand in everything we did that day – sunny weather, no long lines, met Elsa and Anna, rode all the rides we wanted – truly a super fun day! It was hard to be there without him – he was a huge Mickey Mouse fan. We laughed, we cried, we raised a glass in a toast or two, and all with my favorite people in the world. First time since he left here that I truly felt he was still with us.

What’s the best lesson you learned from your mother/grandmother?
My mom and grandma are two completely different people –one thing for sure from both of them – you knew you were loved. My mom was the stiff upper lip, not too emotional kind of person. She was stern and old fashioned, but she always made time for me – I try to always do the same with my kids and now my grandkids. She said that “if you want something you have to work for it” My grandma was sweet, always grabbed your face to give it a big smooch. She always said be kind to everyone, and they will be kind back. For the most part, she was right.

We’re all unique. What is your special gift?
I like to make people feel included, and that they matter – because they do. I especially like to make kids feel important – it only takes one person to make a difference in someone’s life. I would like to be that person for someone some day.

What could women be doing to make their community a better place?
I think that the women in this community do a very good job of trying to make life better for others. My advice to those who might not know what to do is to get involved in something – not on the periphery – but roll up your sleeves and get a little dirty. Reach out a hand to help, and really mean it. Show up, be present and follow your passion. If I could harness all the caring power of the women in this community to help solve our challenges – whoa, what a day that would be!

What would you do if you weren’t afraid?
This is a tough question, because if I weren’t afraid I would tell you what I would do.

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