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7 Q+As: Bianca with Illinois Mediation Services

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Sponsor 7 Q+As with Bianca of Illinois Mediation Services! Read these great responses, and then go back an reread number six… Every. Morning.



1. What are you grateful for today?
 Today and everyday I am grateful for the opportunity to try to do things better than the day before – be it personally or professionally. I am my toughest critic and sometimes that is warranted and sometimes it is not. But, I take comfort in the fact that if I haven’t lived up to my own expectations today; I can start all over again tomorrow.

2. Tell us about one of your friends and what you love about her.
 This is an impossible question as I cannot single out just one friend because the things I love about all of my closest girlfriends are the same: they are all intelligent, savvy, driven, funny, confident, supportive, capable and fiercely protective of their families and friends. My step is a bit lighter and my day is a bit better after spending time with any of them.   Christy, Judy, Lynnette, Angie, Beth, Traci, Mel, Stacy, Donna, Anne, Michele, Julie…..I am a lucky gal for knowing you!

3. Describe one of the best days of your life.
One of the best days of my life occurred in April, 2006 in Cabo San Lucas Mexico. My husband, Jim and I were on vacation with our daughters, Stella and Maris. We were staying at a beautiful, all-inclusive resort and many of the guests had already left the pool areas to get ready for dinner.   I was having a massage on the beach and although the sound of the waves provided a relaxing backdrop, I could still hear my girls giggling as they played with their Dad in the pool.   I remember thinking life couldn’t possibly get any better than that very moment.

4.  What’s the best lesson you learned from your mother/grandmother?
My parents divorced when I was two. This occurred at a time when divorcing typically meant no financial support. My Mom chose to leave a less than ideal situation and despite the struggles she faced while raising children on her own, she never seemed bitter or angry at my father.  She did, however, provide a great example to follow and instilled a strong work ethic in all of us. She explained the importance of being able to earn a living that would provide us with financial freedom so we would never be “stuck” in an unhealthy relationship. She knew how often women stayed in horrible relationships for that very reason and she never wanted us to be caught in that situation.

5. We’re all unique. What is your special gift?
I love to bring people together. I particularly enjoy entertaining in our home. I can pull together a party or a celebration of any kind with the greatest of ease.   Some say I am a frustrated event planner and that I missed my calling.   Hmmmm…..

6.  What could women be doing to make their community a better place?
In my opinion, the best thing we, as women, can be doing to make our community a better place is to take better care of ourselves. I am a textbook example of failing to do this. Women in general are a force to be reckoned with and when we are operating at full capacity we can accomplish just about anything. But, when we constantly put the needs of everyone else ahead of our own, when we feel the pressure to attend every single event in which our children participate, and when we parent, work and volunteer ourselves into a schedule that leaves no time for us to breathe; we put our health, our emotional well-being, our jobs and all of our relationships at risk. Our community would be a better place if we all found the time to exercise, slept for 8 hours each night, said “no” to a few requests for our time and occasionally sat down with a great book. I can’t begin to imagine all of the amazing things we could do together if that were our reality!

7.  What would you do if you weren’t afraid?
 I would give everyone the details about the novel I am currently writing. Yikes! Can’t do it.

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