Sponsor 7 Q+A: Karen Devine, Devine Designs

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Devine Designs is an interior design and project management firm that specializes in both commercial and residential interior design. Karen started her business 10 years ago and started supporting That’s What She Said on day one. For that, and other shenanigans, we are truly grateful!

If you’d like Devine interior intervention, Karen can be reached at karendevine[at]yahoo.com!



What are you grateful for today?
Family, good health & Diet Mountain Dew…not necessarily in that order 🙂

Tell us about one of your friends and what you love about her.
My closest friends know who they are. They are a diverse group of ladies who I can count on to tell me if I’m being ridiculous and they are strong enough to disagree and respect that we all have different viewpoints. Time is precious so I try to spend my time with those I love the most! My closest friends are loyal and honest… and I love them for that!

Describe one of the best days of your life.
A bike ride to Lake of the Woods with my then boyfriend, Bob Devine. We packed a picnic lunch and while there, he proposed. That truly was one of the best days of my life as it has shaped who I am today.

What’s the best lesson you learned from your mother/grandmother?
My mother, newly divorced, with four children to support and an eighth-grade education, was determined to be self-sufficient but still be home when needed by her children. While raising us during the 70s and 80s she began her real estate business, repairing and managing her houses on her own. If drywall needed to be hung or a toilet needed to be repaired, she did it…she was self-taught…and at 77 years old, she still works on her properties.  She is one of the hardest working people I know! She taught me that that there are no boundaries to what you can do, except the ones you create!

We’re all unique. What is your special gift?
It is easy for me to list the gifts of my friends but I’m not a self horn tooter, so I asked my friend Jen for help on this one! Here is what she said: You have many gifts but I think your best gift is loyalty. You are not only loyal to your friends, but you are also loyal to yourself. You are strong in your beliefs and you are able to respectfully disagree.

What could women be doing to make their community a better place?
Realize that there is room at the table for everyone. So many women feel like they are in competition with those around them. This typically stems from insecurity.  If you can appreciate and love your own unique qualities, then it is much easier to appreciate those qualities in others.

What would you do if you weren’t afraid?
I’m not afraid of much of anything with the exception of disappointing others!

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