Sponsor 7 Q+A: Karen Sharp, BankChampaign

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BankChampaign‘s local ownership and community commitment are reflected in every decision they make. They take special pride in providing banking with a personal touch to the people of Champaign County.


(BankChampaign) Karen Sharp

What are you grateful for today?
That I was fortunate enough to be able to deliver Meals on Wheels today and was able to learn more about the amazing woman who volunteered to do it with me.

Tell us about one of your friends and what you love about her.
Lauren has an unbreakable strength that no injury or doctor has been able to prevent her from achieving what she sets her mind to. Melodie is the most caring soul I know, who is always there for you know matter what battle she might be fighting of her own. Cristi is funny and successful. Keely is a strong individual who has been able to tackle just about everything she’s ever attempted. Colleen has a huge heart, and knows how to laugh at herself while enjoying life. There are so many but all are loving, successful and know how to have a good time after the hard work is done.

Describe one of the best days of your life.
The day I had the strength to leave my first husband. We had a toxic relationship that was taking its toll on my health. That was the moment I was able to start my life over.

What’s the best lesson you learned from your mother/grandmother?
Your children will always be your babies no matter how big they get.

We’re all unique. What is your special gift?
I have the ability to—what I like to refer to as—recall irrelevant and often useless information. Whether reading informative articles or watching a news program, the information sticks. I can be talking to someone two years later and be able to repeat the information from the article or recall what we did thirty years ago. Yet for the most part, I will still need to look up who a particular fund manager is of a mutual fund I use regularly in client investment portfolios.

What could women be doing to make their community a better place?
Collaborate communicate, organize, act and oh, the things we could accomplish.

What would you do if you weren’t afraid?
Share the story behind the making of Karen Sharp.

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