7 Q+As: Amy Armstrong

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To rev up for our July 19th show—we are sharing 7 Q+As with all our speakers and sponsors. Tune in every day to learn something new about some amazing women! We’ll hit the ground running with one of our fab speakers, Amy Armstrong »



1. What are you grateful for today?
I am grateful for my husband Andy, our extended family, and also for the absolute support, love, and trust we have for each other.

2. Tell us about one of your friends and what you love about her.
How about a group of friends?  My 18-hole golf group has given me many women to help guide and support me.    It isn’t just about the game.  It’s about life.  I am forever grateful to the little white ball and the many gifts it has given me.  Judy, Joann, Barb, Jean, Linda, Lisa, KK, Jeanene, Margo…. so many more to list.   I value each and every one of them for the influence they have on my life.

3. Describe one of the best days of your life.
I’ve had many best days, so I consider myself very lucky in that regard.  Among them, is the day I hiked out of the Grand Canyon after spending the night at the bottom with a small group of women I consider to be spiritual sisters.  To be able to do something that fewer than 2% of the over 4 million visitors to the Canyon do, was a testament to my recovered physical strength.  The gift of friendship and the breath taking beauty of our national treasure was spectacular.

4. What’s the best lesson you learned from your mother/grandmother?
My grandmother and grandfather were married for 72 years.  I asked my Grandma “How do you stand someone that long?”  Her reply was as frank, solid, and true as she was. “Well honey they have to stand you too.”  She taught me to think of others first, to be honest, as well as how to cook, and how to pray.  I miss her.

5. We’re all unique. What is your special gift?
Advocating without being adversarial (most of the time anyway).

6. What could women be doing to make their community a better place?
Stop worrying about what others think, step outside a clique or comfort zone and try something new and different on a regular basis.  Make new friendships with women older & younger—always pushing their own “community” boundary.

7. What would you do if you weren’t afraid?
I am not afraid of anything
(Except clowns)
(Although I’m certain I’d give a clown a good fight)

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