7 Q+As: Amy Armstrong

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Meet Amy Armstrong… aka The Momologist. She would fight a lion for her family, her friends and her community.



1. What are you grateful for today?
I am grateful for physical strength & health

2. Tell us about one of your friends and what you love about her.
I recently lost one of my very best friends, Irina Stewart, and I would love to write about her but I’m just not ready for that emotionally.   Irina and I shared a deep friendship with Laura Berg who has been through the best of times with me and the very worst.  I met Laura over 15 years ago when we lived in the same neighborhood and her house was literally in my back yard.  She is the calm to my storms, the yin to my yang.  The girlfriend I can trust to give me the hard honest answers, makes me laugh so hard I cry or pee.  She helps me unravel this riddle called life.

3. Describe one of the best days of your life.
One of the best days of my life was in Miraval Spa in Arizona.  My girlfriend Kris Harrington organized a group of women to travel there from Champaign, and I went without much expectation as I was pregnant and couldn’t participate in a lot of the activities outside of the spa.  On a whim I decided to try “Aqua Zen” which was an hour and half spent in warm water with complete sensory deprivation while being physically manipulated into deep relaxation.  I can tell you that it changed my life.  I didn’t speak much for the next 3 days which shocked everyone around me but it truly gave me time to stop, find my inner peace, and the path to finding that peace in hard times.  I’ve used that memory and the therapy work a lot in current daily life and returned again the following year to do the same treatment.  It was magical & I urge everyone to try it at least once.

4.  What’s the best lesson you learned from your mother/grandmother?
My grandmother and grandfather were married for 72 years.  I asked Grandma once “how do you stand someone that long” and her reply was as frank, solid, and true as she was “well honey they have to stand you too” She taught me to think of others first, be honest, how to cook, and how to pray.  I miss her.

5. We’re all unique. What is your special gift?
Creative problem solving

6.  What could women be doing to make their community a better place?
Stepping outside a clique or comfort zone and trying something new & different on a regular basis.  Making new friendships with women older & younger ~ always pushing their own community boundary

7.  What would you do if you weren’t afraid?
I am not afraid of anything (except clowns)

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