Meet Anni Poppen… Not only does Anni Poppen have the best name ever, she has also become the jelly to our peanut butter. Every technical part of That’s What She Said that has gone right? That’s Anni. Everything else? Us.
1. What are you grateful for today?
My acupuncture appointment—my dad was an acupuncturist and ever since he’s passed I’ve had a hard time finding someone who could even remotely compare. I recently met Dr. Klepzig—he’s the best!
2. Tell us about one of your friends and what you love about her. Katie, Katie, Katie! What an inspiration she is. She dropped everything in her life to chase her dream, and after some serious soul-punching work she now is a Challenge Day leader. But before all of that she was (and of course, still is) the most caring, honest, and positive person I have ever met. She radiates the good stuff and finds powerful value in words—as a result she speaks magic. Love that girl.
3. Describe one of the best days of your life.
The day I flew solo to a yoga retreat in Mexico. I had never left the country, been on a yoga retreat (with a teacher I’d never met/practiced with before), or traveled somewhere new alone. I reached so far outside my comfort zone, and it was SO rewarding. As a result I started my yoga blog which led to my year-long project of donating graphic design to nonprofits which led to owning my own design business.
4. What’s the best lesson you learned from your mother/grandmother?
Honesty. From both my mother and grandmothers—you always know/knew who you were dealing with. There is/was no game playing—they just put it out there. Sometimes not in the most graceful ways (and I proudly carry that torch too), but at least you always know/knew there wasn’t some other motive going on behind any of their words.
5. We’re all unique. What is your special gift?
Graphic design—hands down. I’m not one to toot my own horn, but when it comes to graphic design I am confident I will create something that will uplift and empower whomever I’m working with, and we’ll have a lot of fun during the process too.
6. What could women be doing to make their community a better place?
Simple choices. Mine are—buying vegan, buying local, buying resale, buying organic. I truly believe, and sorry to get a little political here, that our vote really does matter—but our vote isn’t only in a polling station, it’s how we spend our money. And I know money isn’t the most heart-warming answer for how to change the community, but it sure does make this world go ’round. So I opt for educated spending. <falls off of soap box due to lack of grace, smirk-blushes, throws in an awkward curtsy>
7. What would you do if you weren’t afraid?
Quit my job, sell everything I own, and travel the world for as long as I could budget.