7 Q+As: Angie Fiala with O’Brien Auto Park

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Sponsor 7 Q+As with Angie Fiala of O’Brien Auto Park! Thank you, O’Brien Auto, for incredible support from the beginning!



1. What are you grateful for today?
My family, our health, great friends, and coffee.

2. Tell us about one of your friends and what you love about her.
My friend Erin, we have known each other for 16 years and STILL never seem to be able to stay out of trouble when we get together. She knows me and all my flaws and still loves me despite them.  Although we are in different stages in our lives, we have managed to continue to stay close and we have a mutual love and respect for one another that seems to grow as the years pass. She is awesome.

3. Describe one of the best days of your life.
Honestly, I should probably say the days my kids were born or my wedding day, but those days were kinda stressful! I think one of the best days ever was in Cabo San Jose with my husband, my 2 best friends and their husbands, on a catamaran cruise…it was the kind of day you sort of grow up dreaming about.

4. What’s the best lesson you learned from your mother/grandmother?
My mom taught me that telling the truth is always the best policy and she taught me how to make a really awesome to do list.  She did NOT teach me how to sew though so I am completely worthless when it comes to hemming pants or even sewing on buttons.

5. We’re all unique. What is your special gift?
I have been told that I have a way of connecting with people that puts them at ease, I think I normally do that by making people laugh which always feels good.  I love to make people laugh and have fun.

6. What could women be doing to make their community a better place?
Get involved!  Find a cause that means something to you personally and get passionate about it.  I am on the board at Crisis Nursery because I believe 110% in their mission and want to do whatever I can to help the nursery continue to serve our community in the way they do day in and day out.  We are all busy, but I believe everyone should make time for a cause that benefits others.

7. What would you do if you weren’t afraid?
I would go scuba diving with my husband.  Fish (big and small) freak me out!

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