7 Q+As: Anni with Mowgli Studio

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Sponsor 7 Q+As with Anni Poppen of Mowgli Studio! We blurt out conflicting wishes for all things graphic design-y and she somehow makes it happen. We don’t know how?!



1. What are you grateful for today?
Sunshine, sweet sweet sunshine.

2. Tell us about one of your friends and what you love about her.
Kim, or as I call her, Burl or Burly (Kim-berly)! I’ve known her since I was four years old, my first sleep over was at her house… and a lot of other childhood firsts after that. Kim is the laughter in the room. Even in pure frustration she is smiling and cracking jokes—in no way suppressing the hard stuff, but laughing at it, as if to tell whatever obstacle to, “kiss my ass!” (Now all I can think of is Al’s Diner.) I just have no clue what kind of person I would be today if I didn’t have the care-free, independent, country-strong best friend saying, “Come on, let’s go!” every step of the way. Love you Burly!

3. Describe one of the best days of your life.
The first day I started working full-time for myself. For the first time in my life, I was doing exactly what I was suppose to be doing. I’m still riding high off of it!

4. What’s the best lesson you learned from your mother/grandmother?
If life hits you with something (my mom’s example at this point was breast cancer), you break it down into lists and start crossing shit off one by one. By the time my mom was cancer-free (woot!) I gained so much respect for her strength and tenacity. I know she had to have been scared, but as a mom she wouldn’t let me see that. So every surgery or appointment that I sat through with her, I know a part of her did it alone to protect me. I don’t think I would have been that strong.

5. We’re all unique. What is your special gift?
I truly believe all of us can do anything we set our mind and heart to. I’m your biggest cheerleader!

6. What could women be doing to make their community a better place?
Be grateful for where you are today with a thirst to always learn and evolve. While recognizing the people around you are doing the same. You’ll forgive faster, encourage stronger, learn bigger, and collaborate better. And that’s what community needs, empowering collaboration.

7. What would you do if you weren’t afraid?
Learn to ride a motorcycle and “cycle south” with my boyfriend, Jafe. Or live in another country for a while. Or both.

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