7 Q+As: Dominique Bischoff-Brown

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Sponsor 7 Q+As with Dominique Bischoff-Brown! Jill Harlan, one of our Sho-Conspirators, talks non-stop about this fabulous soul and we can see why. Her answer to #7 is one of our all-time favorites. Now, if we can just get Dominique to fly in for the show so we can all meet her in person!



1. What are you grateful for today?
Family, friends, kinship, community, human.i.ty, glimpses of oneness, the wonders of the planet and the universe, love, music, airplanes, diversity, the internet, rain, learning, teaching, dancing, feet massages, smiles.

2. Tell us about one of your friends and what you love about her.
She is always herself and never wears a mask. Everything she does is because she feels connected to others. Her life is her meditation and her soul is right in step with her body, she does not have to wait for it to catch up to her. She walks lightly on the earth.

3. Describe one of the best days of your life.
So many.

4.  What’s the best lesson you learned from your mother/grandmother?
That women can do whatever men can do.

5. We’re all unique. What is your special gift?
Don’t know.

6.  What could women be doing to make their community a better place?
Be in it, balance spirit and work, practice extreme activist compassion, develop a level of compassion that is not in the measure of our service to others but  in the measure of our ability to feel kinship with them, walk lightly on the earth, take care of themselves in the real sense of doing the work to anchor themselves so nobody and nothing can take them to places they should not go, have standards and uphold them.

7.  What would you do if you weren’t afraid?
Let go.

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