7 Q+As: Jill Harlan

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This co-founding, sho-conspiring lady is known for connecting people and putting the spot light on everyone she sees talent in. So, it was no surprise our graphic designer had to threaten Jill Harlan‘s life in order for her to sit in the spotlight (wiggling like a little kid who wants to go play outside instead) for just this brief moment. We love you, you little brat.



1. What are you grateful for today?
Good, solid, grandma, hugs like the one I got last week outside of the Pancake House. The kind where you use the other person’s shirt as a Kleenex.  Sorry about that.

2. Tell us about one of your friends and what you love about her.
I have two.

First, I love Janet Youse for saying that I will always be her daughter in law and for loving me no matter what. Second, I love Ryann Monahan for teaching me how to manage my time while working from home with kids:

“Is it bad that I let my son play in the toilet for 10 minutes because I know that it will only take me 2 minutes to clean it up, therefore, I netted 8 minutes of working time?”

3. Describe one of the best days of your life.
Friend-Lee Kitty, my 12 year old orange cat, had his front leg amputated after a bout with cancer. The front of his body was shaved bare and he hopped around learning to walk again. One winter day in Minnesota, he hopped his way out the back door and didn’t come back. He had no hair and no leg – not a good combo. I posted “3-legged cat missing” signs on every corner. At week two, I gave up and mourned with my kids. At week 3, I got a phone call. He was eating a mouse in someone’s back yard. He crossed two highways and traveled no less than 5 miles. A thin layer of fur had grown in, his stitches had popped out, and he was covered in bugs. He was wildly starved and untrusting of humans.  He remembered me though. Best moment ever happened when I scooped him up into my arms.

4. What’s the best lesson you learned from your mother/grandmother?
My mom and I went shopping yesterday at TJ Maxx and on the way home, out of nowhere, she turned to my dad and said, “Bill, you have to remind me not to belch in the yard so much.”  This sums it up for me.

5. We’re all unique. What is your special gift?
Do I have to pick just one? I am pretty good at soccer still, although Kate Deering will school me any day.

6. What could women be doing to make their community a better place?

I am going to defer to Jeff Melander’s answer on this one.

7. What would you do if you weren’t afraid?
I would write in a journal.

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