7 Q+As: Laura with Studio Helix

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Sponsor 7 Q+As with Laura, Medical Exercise Specialist and Owner of Studio Helix! Laura can take any injury and magically make it go away. We can’t brag on her enough… She has mad skills.



1. What are you grateful for today?
The capacity for people and to heal and photosynthesis.

2. Tell us about one of your friends and what you love about her.
My sister. She is a woman of few, but meaningful words. I’m the more talkative one.

3. Describe one of the best days of your life.
Sprinting like mad in the dark from the entrance of Machu Picchu at 6AM to reach the Sun Gate by 6:14; a distance Frommer’s described as an “aggressive 55-min hike.” Arriving breathless to see the first rays of dawn cross the citadel knowing my medical exercise protocols made it possible for my injured team to reach the gate just in time! What’s not to love about a birthday that starts with achieving an almost impossible goal in the jungles of Peru, and ends with volunteer teaching in the poorest schools of Lima? Come to think of it, maybe the best day ever was the one I spent trekking the Great Wall of China at five below zero only to be mistaken for Shakira…

4. What’s the best lesson you learned from your mother/grandmother?
Do what you do best and let the work speak for itself… or maybe I learned that from my sister?

5. We’re all unique. What is your special gift?
I’ve always believed there are two way to face life: “F” everything and run or face everything and recover. Consequently my special gift is using my engineering degree to help people recover from medically complicated myofascial conditions that are otherwise unsolvable.

6. What could women be doing to make their community a better place?
Find one small step anyone could take to advance a cause then recruit some friends. Nothing kick starts success like a team of dedicated women uniting for a purpose!

7. What would you do if you weren’t afraid?
Walk into my boss’s office and ask for a raise… oh wait, I am the boss. Now that’s scary!

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