Sponsor 7 Q+A: Betsy Holder, Steigmann Law PC

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Betsy Holder, Attorney at Law at Steigmann Law PC, was in the first group of women who came out of the woodwork in year one who said, “How can I help?” Her work in our community and abroad is powerful. Thank you, Betsy, for being an amazing example!



What are you grateful for today?
My Health and my family’s health.

Tell us about one of your friends and what you love about her.
Dr. Suzanne Trupin. A generation above me, she is my friend and more so my mentor. Suzanne is an example of a woman who can be both a professional as well as a mother. As a an OBGYN, she owns her own medical practice, as well as Hada Cosmetics and has simultaneously raised three incredibly successful children. I’ve known Suzanne since I was a child, growing up and swimming with her oldest daughter.  She always managed to be every where at once while simultaneously maintaining her professional and family life. Professional women still receive criticism about not being with their children enough or focusing on their careers too much. In the professional world, a family is perceived as a handicap.  Suzanne, in an era where women were not afforded as many opportunities as we are today, has shown the world that it is very possible to do both; you just have to work a lot harder.

Describe one of the best days of your life.
The days my three children were born. Hands down. Looking forward to the birth of my 4th in January.

What’s the best lesson you learned from your mother/grandmother?
Be strong, confident, and independent. When living your life, act with conviction and don’t worry about what anyone thinks. You are responsible for your own happiness. My grandmother had I Did It My Way on her gravestone from Frank Sinatra and that message has always resonated deeply.  Finally, it is more important to be respected than to be liked.  If you can do both, even better, but if you have to chose one, chose respect.

We’re all unique. What is your special gift?
Multi-tasking.  I’m most satisfied when my plate is about ready to overflow.

What could women be doing to make their community a better place?
Never stop educating yourself.  It opens your eyes to the need within our community and globally.  When trying to make the community a better place, think about the phrase, “You can’t change the world, but you can change the world for one person.”  Become a mentor or volunteer at a nursing home.  If you are a lawyer, do pro-bono work.  Join a service organization.  It is overwhelming to think of big picture change, but it is possible to impact one person’s life at a time and that is enough.

What would you do if you weren’t afraid?
Go to Medical School.

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