Sponsor 7 Q+A: Sissy Eustice, Illini Radio Group

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We can’t tell you how much fun we’ve had going into the Illini Radio Group studio to record podcasts with Ryan of Show and Tell CI. Then, when we had the chance to meet Sissy to record our radio ad, well… icing on a very big piece of chocolate cake! We immediately asked her to do our 7 Q+A. Thank you to everyone at Illini Radio Group for being so incredibly supportive of That’s What She Said!


illini radio group

What are you grateful for today?
I am grateful for kind and supportive friends in my life, for beautiful fall weather, for my incredible mother, and for cars who don’t rear end me when I break to avoid small animals in the road.

Tell us about one of your friends and what you love about her.
My very best friend loves me for everything I truly am. No matter how emotional I can be, even when my hair looks ridiculous, and no matter what is going on in my life or what I need she always is there for me to listen and help in any way she can.

Describe one of the best days of your life.
In college I had the honor of traveling to Arizona with one of the choirs I participated in. We took a day to explore the Grand Canyon and it absolutely blew my mind. I loved witnessing people from so many diverse backgrounds come together to appreciate something so magnificent together! Our choir even took the opportunity to sing while we were there, and making music with my best friends in the presence of such spectacular nature was just awesome. The entire day was thrilling.

What’s the best lesson you learned from your mother/grandmother?
My mother is without a doubt my biggest hero and my best friend. She’s taught me everything in my life that makes me who I am, but one of my favorite things I’ve learned from her in recent years is to keep moving forward. No matter what you’re facing or where you’re at – literally or emotionally – surround yourself with people who love you unconditionally and focus on moving forward at any pace.

We’re all unique. What is your special gift?
The gift that I’m most thankful for is my ability to have a meaningful conversation with nearly anyone. I actually enjoy making genuine small talk with strangers. I absolutely love getting to know new people, or getting to know my friends and acquaintances better. I love listening to other people tell their story, no matter who they are or how long I’ve known them. Other than that, I am very passionate about music and singing, and that always makes me feel very special.

What could women be doing to make their community a better place?
Always be kind! You absolutely never know what someone has gone through, be it that day or in their lifetime. We need to be there for each other with a willingness to really listen. I think we can change the world one community at a time with enough kindness and open minds.

What would you do if you weren’t afraid?
I’ve never lived anywhere other than home. I’m proud to say that within the past month I’ve decided to work through my fears and plan a move to a completely new area to pursue personal and professional growth. I’m excited for my new adventure ahead!

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