Sponsor 7 Q+A: Lisa Frerichs, Dr. Frerichs D.D.S.

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Sponsor 7 Q+As with Lisa Frerichs! Lisa Frerichs is like our fairy sho-mother. Making her community a better place, be it on the PTA or by donating tickets for women to attend TWSS!

And this year Dr. Frerichs D.D.S sweetens the pot — one lucky audience member will win FREE Invisalign® at our show on October 17th. Tickets are still on sale, be sure to get yours while they last!



What are you grateful for today?
Today, I’m grateful for family that consists of biological and adopted members near and far.  I know I could call any one of these people at 2am and they would be there for me….and vice-versa.  I’m grateful for a wonderful husband, a healthy family who laughs uncontrollably till we cry and spends our evenings cuddling on the couch.

Tell us about one of your friends and what you love about her.
I have SO many girl friends I care about SO much, but  would be remiss to not talk about my Sister/Friend, Jodi.  When something good or bad happens in my life, I pick up the phone to call my Sister.  We understand each other.  We both have biological and adopted children.  We have crazy hubbies.  We have had our ups/downs, but in the end we will always be there for each other. 

Describe one of the best days of your life.
The best day of my life was when Judge Arnold Blockman declared that Michael Frerichs was officially our baby at 6 months old.  Although the court proceeding was a formality, the declaration meant we were now a family of 4.  Not being able to put one in front of the other, the birth of our biological child, Matthew, was definitely an amazing day.  I loved both of them from the moment we met.

What’s the best lesson you learned from your mother/grandmother?
My Grandmother taught me to always have chocolate chip cookies for guests.  After a long drive to Grandma’s house, we were  greeted with freshly baked cookies that  warmed our hearts as we walked in the door.    Grandma’s words of wisdom: Enjoy the small things in life, treat people nice, save cards and envelopes that people send you, learn how to knit, take an afternoon nap sitting up so you don’t get too comfy, have your bologna sliced very thin at the butcher, never use paper plates and always have a hammock.

We’re all unique. What is your special gift?
I’m not sure I have a special gift.  I’m not afraid to speak up for what I believe in.  Having strong morals and values has helped me get through life without regretting too many things.  Friends are important to me (although I’m quite shy at making friends); I would do anything for the people I love.

What could women be doing to make their community a better place?
We live in a wonderful community where women are strong and heard.  The best thing we can do is join together in our efforts and stand stronger for our beliefs and community needs.  Women in our community are the “git r done” population who are strong role models for our younger generation.  No matter what part of the community team you’re on, you are important; we all can’t be leaders of the pack, but we can support each other in our endeavors.

What would you do if you weren’t afraid?
If I wasn’t afraid, I would break my bubble.  Having grown up and lived within a 45 mile radius my whole life, the thought of breaking out of my comfort zone throws me into a panic attack!  Traveling to Europe and Hawaii, taking on a full-time job leaving my kids without a “I’ll be there in a second Mom,” public speaking, starting an organization and going back to college to specialize are all on my “if I wasn’t afraid” list.

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