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Saturday night was our That’s What She Said show.

It feels like it was a dream. Did that really happen?

Darrell Hoemann of the News-Gazette gave the gift of his art- photography. I have looked at them no less than 8,342 times.
It really happened.
My cup runneth over.
Thank you to Krannert Center and Christie Clinic for believing in three soccer moms with a dream.
Thank you to all of the sponsors who said, “How can we help?” (They gave us cars, lodging, bling, shoes and the stage chairs!)
Thank you to the women that came by planes, trains and automobiles to be part of the show.
Thank you to the people who filled the seats and laughed, cried and guffawed with us.
Thank you to all of the behind the scenes (stay tuned for a behind the scenes post!) folks that worked tirelessly.
Thank you to our families for being our biggest cheerleaders and for not complaining about pizza night…every night.
Thank YOU.
My words can never do justice. Darrell’s pictures can give you a glimpse into our dream. Here you go.

We stood backstage- dancing, laughing and peeking at the crowd. There  may or may not have been some butt slapping. Sandwiched between my show conspirators, we danced onto the stage.
Dr. Love kicked off the show with “I AM ENOUGH!”
That’s right. I flew my (nervous and nauseous) freak flag all over that stage. Making my friends laugh? Heaven.

Casey inspired all of us by stepping out of her comfort zone and sharing a story of loss and surrender.

Keesha Beckford of Mom’s New Stage reminded us to dance like a 3 year old.

Karyl Wackerlin shared her mission trip photographs and challenged us to be “ambushed by joy!” The big surprise of the night was her announcement of our trip to Haiti and…

…someone in the audience is going with us! Backstage, Karyl had said to me, “I was so excited to see Mary White!” Guess whose name she drew out of the bucket? MARY WHITE! I almost fell out of my seat.

Erin Donovan of I’m Gonna Kill Him sent us into fits of snort laughing with “Dead Vagina Walking!”

7 Questions with Peyton Stewart melted my heart. Peyton is talented, beautiful, funny and smart as a whip. Watching Peyton shine, we remembered her mother and our friend, Irina Stewart.

Nicole Knepper of Moms Who Drink And Swear has the gift of story telling. From ADD to parenting to losing a parent, she shared the “me, too” moments of life.

Nicole Leigh Shaw of Ninja Mom Blog painted a beautiful picture of her stepfather.

No one can talk about trauma and make you belly laugh at the same time like Angela Shelton Kail!

With grace and beauty, Vinnie Ewing read “Everybody’s Free” by Baz Luhrmann.

The She Said Choir rocked my socks to close the show. These women had never performed together. They were many different women, coming together to sing one song.

I thought my heart would explode. I love these women.

Now, get out there and shine! Write that book, run that marathon, get that degree, stand on that stage, or whatever is calling to you! DO IT!
Stay tuned…

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