Sponsor 7 Q+A: Lisa Gustafsson, Blossom Painting & Decorating

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We’re sorta big fans of Lisa G — so much so we started the Go Big Award where we uplift new, women entrepreneurs in the Champaign-Urbana community who embrace a tenacity we admire. Please join us in celebrating new, women-run businesses like Blossom Painting & Decorating!



What are you grateful for today?
(The idea that someday I could go to Haiti and use my skills to help build a school or home for people in need)

Today I did not have to put on a pair of overalls, and I was able to button my jeans with only one large inhale, belly-tightening move! I would have to say it’s a good day!

Tell us about one of your friends and what you love about her.
(The one who helped get me to Haiti. She would be my bestest friend EVER)

Are you kidding me? I’m not about to start a cat fight over here. I am so grateful for ALL the incredibly talented, strong, smart, creative, and feisty women in my life. Everyday I learn something new from the women in my life and every one of them is a rare gem I treasure! I have the good fortune to have some of the most loving, loyal, and thoughtful women in my world.

Describe one of the best days of your life.
(The day I got a ticket to go to Haiti… Hasn’t happened yet, but it will be the best day when it does)

Everyday I get to wake up and love the people around me is a blessing, but if I had to mention the most significant day in my life… It would be the day I packed an army duffle bag full of clothes and bought a one-way bus ticket from Champaign to Key West (at 21 years of age without knowing a soul there). I found it to be the greatest adventure of my new life.

What’s the best lesson you learned from your mother/grandmother?
(You gotta fight for it if you want to go to Haiti. Neither your Mom or Grandma are gonna buy a ticket for you!)

Family is not necessarily a blood relative. I’ve learned that some of the people in my life that love me or support me the most aren’t necessarily related.

We’re all unique. What is your special gift?
(To subliminally suggest my desire for wanting to go Haiti without anyone realizing it)

I have the rare and unique ability to over-commit myself to anything and everything I am interested in. This is no easy task. I first start with an overwhelming desire to say yes to everything, which is then followed by complete lack of organizational skills, so then I’m committed to minimally two things everyday at the same time. But I’m special, not every can do this. However I’m working on improving as I speak… By finally answering these questions!

What could women be doing to make their community a better place?
(Well they could all come together and send a sista to Haiti)

I find this one a stumper! All of the women I know to be already giving so much to our community and to each other that I couldn’t possibly give advise on how to do more. Just love each other and be tolerant of each others differences. Share your assets, knowledge, talents, materials or spirit! Be a rainbow fish!

What would you do if you weren’t afraid?
(Hitchhike my way to Haiti)

Funny question since I think I’m pretty brave most of the time, but I think it would be to do stand up comedy. That takes serious GUTS! But I love to make others smile. I would write a 1000 jokes if only I knew they were funny!!

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