A Melanoma PSA

I am not ready for this.  At 41, I am not ready to worry about lumps in the breast. I am not ready to worry about friends with heart problems….

Listen To Your Mother

“Giving Mother’s Day A Microphone” The Listen To Your Mother Show is everything that I love about women. I was so proud (and nauseous!) to join this cast of amazing…

What NOT To Do At Conferences

I am writing this post one week before I attend my first bloggy conference, Haven 2012. Since the mantra “DO NOT EMBARRASS SELF…DO NOT EMBARRASS SELF…” keeps running through my…

Team Haiti, Trip One

I have had two days to reflect on the Haiti mission trip. While I have been feeling a mixture of feelings, I keep returning to feelings of gratitude. One of the…

What NOT To Say During A Mammogram!

It’s National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, y’all. You know what that means. It’s time to take care of your breasts, boobies, big girls, sweater puppies, ta-ta’s, or in my case-…

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